Publication of EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.8.2

Publication of EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.8.2EIOPA has been continuously monitoring the submissions under the 2.8.0 Solvency II Data Point Model and Taxonomy and relevant issues. Therefore EIOPA has decided that the high number of issues that require additional workaround must be corrected.

As the corrections are extended compared to a usual hotfix and the version is already in use, EIOPA decided to release it as EIOPA Solvency II 2.8.2 release, also due to IT implementation reasons.

EIOPA Solvency II Insurance Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.8.2 has been published on 15 October 2024 and will be applicable from the Q4 2024 annual 2024 reference periods until a new release is announced.

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