Aguilonius is an ISO27001-certified software publisher company in the area of financial and compliance reporting.
Information Security is essential for protecting the company’s data and assets as the continuity of the company highly depends on the proper handling of source code, software publication processes, management of internal and client systems, and internal and client data.
Aguilonius must be able to provide its customers, suppliers and other stakeholders guarantees that information is processed in a professional way in line with market standards and regulatory requirements.
Aguilonius also strives to continuously improve its ISMS by learning from incidents and findings and applying market best practices where most relevant and applicable.
The information security policy aligns with organizational objectives under the leadership of the CEO, with the Security Officer responsible for implementation. Policies are updated annually, employees receive security training, and information is classified as confidential by default unless otherwise specified. IT assets have designated owners, and specific security agreements are established with customers. Incident procedures, protective measures, and legal compliance are prioritized, with ISO 27001 serving as a framework for continuous improvement and stakeholder trust.
In case of questions about our Information Security Management System Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Aguilonius is certified ISO/IEC 27001:2023/A1:2024