DNB publishes MESREP taxonomy version 3.0.0

  • 16th October 2024
  • DNB

De Nederlandsche Bank NV (DNB)DNB published the taxonomy of the Macroeconomic Statistics Reporting (MESREP) version 3.0.0. This taxonomy version applies to reporting periods from the first quarter of 2025. Changes concern addition of 14 forms on crypto-assets and liabilities by type, a form on Fintech lending, warning validation rules on negative positions, profile IFSB of a blocking validation rule on Form T16.01 for field ‘Name Counterparty’ and a change of the names of the forms of ‘Forwards‘;

More information about these changes can be found on the DNB and the new version of the Manual (version 3.0), which has been adapted to the new taxonomy and also contains a number of clarifications. The ‘DNB MESREP Excel templates 3.0.0‘ have not yet been published to prevent them from being used earlier for submitting the reports. They will be published in February/March 2025.

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